Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 29 de Agosto de 2008

Enlaces que creo que os pueden interesar:

  • Government of Canada and the Web 2.0 – The Government of Canada recently released a study on “New Technologies (the Web 2.0) and government communications” that seeks to frame the opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 deployment by government agencies.
  • 18th International World Wide Web Conference – The International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Madrid municipality cordially invite you to participate in the 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2009) to be held in Madrid, the charming and cosmopolitan Spain´s capital.
  • The electronic bureaucrat – Putting their services online should allow governments to serve their citizens much more effectively. But despite heavy spending, progress has been patchy.
  • Digital Dialogues – Digital Dialogues is an independent review of ways in which central government can use information and communication technology (ICT) to enable and enhance public engagement. It has been commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and is carried out by the Hansard Society.
  • European Ministerial e-Inclusion Conference 2008 – As the «e-Inclusion: be part of it!» campaign reaches its conclusion, it is time to celebrate achievements and showcase successes in the field of e-Inclusion. It’s also time to take stock of what still lies ahead and renew the commitments to achieve inclusion in the information society for all. The 2008 e-Inclusion Ministerial Conference will showcase the best of e-Inclusion initiatives and shape the future European e-Inclusion agenda. The event will host e-inclusion leaders from industry, academia and voluntary sector and will address topics as diverse as shaping European e-Accessibility environments, investing in information technology for sustainable elderly care, digital literacy and insights into future technology perspectives.
  • monitter : real time, live twitter monitor – Seguimiento de hasta 3 palabras o términos, y ver en el momento quién y qué se dice sobre ellos. Además, permite filtrar las entradas por su localización (en un rango desde 10m hasta 100km) y también por el idioma en que se publican. También añade un enlace directo al feed RSS que Twitter pone a disposición para cada uno de los términos buscados. Y por si fuera poco, puedes poner un wigdet con los resultados en tu página web.
  • Certificado digital de la FNMT en Mac OS X – instalar el certificado oficial de la Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre en Safari
  • Barcelona Lan Party – El Palacio Sant Jordi acoge del 29 al 31 de agosto Lancelona v.1.0, la primera lanparty que se celebra en la ciudad. El acontecimiento, en formato non-stop, consiste en reunir a un grupo de personas con sus ordenadores para jugar, compartir e intercambiar información, así como conocer gente, hacer amigos y aprender más sobre tecnología.
  • World e-ID 2008 – e-Forum endorses the World e-ID 2008 conference, taking place in Sophia Antipolis, France, from 17-19 September 2008

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