Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 7 de Septiembre, 2008

Enlaces que creo que os pueden interesar:

  • FROM CAMPAIGN 2.0 TO GOVERNING 2.0 – Amerikaanse Presidentsverkiezingen 2008 – de Volkskrant – Much has been made this year of how the presidential candidates have expanded their use of the Internet, particularly for raising money, organizing supporters and sharing videos. But what happens when the campaign is over? Whether Barack Obama or John McCain wins or loses, do their online operations cease and just close up shop the day after the election?
  • Open sourcing government | NPSC Blog – To recap, the concept of open sourcing government is essentially about allowing third parties (citizens, companies, non-profits, etc.,) direct access via APIs to government data, so: that individuals, communities and businesses are able to interact with government web applications in ways that are useful to them.
  • ⌘C ⌘V – Porque no todos los caracteres son fáciles de teclear ni recordar, y porque ni la web es una máquina de escribir ni los blogs tampoco, viene de perlas CopyPasteCharacter, que conviene tener a mano. En Mac: Seleccionar, ⌘C y ⌘V y listo (Control+C, Control+V en PC.)
  • CiberÀgora – l'event de conferències i tallers que es duran a terme durant els propers 11, 12 i 13 de Setembre al Palau de Fires i Congressos de Tarragona en el marc de la TarracoTIC, on s'intentarà donar una visió de l'apropament de les noves tecnologies a la societat, així com fomentar un debat sobre el camí recorregut i el que queda per recórrer en aquest apropament, i si realment anem cap a un món tecnològic sense exclusions socials.
  • The Ultimate List of Custom Ubiquity Verbs – ReadWriteWeb – The standard commands, or "verbs", that come with Ubiquity are great. Yet we couldn't help but want more. Developers have been working around the clock to produce some fantastic custom verbs for Ubiquity. Here is ReadWriteWeb's list of the top picks of custom Ubiquity verbs!