Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 14 de Enero, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • European Citizens’ Consultations – Incluso antes de que comenzara a perfilarse la actual crisis financiera mundial, las encuestas de opinión indicaban que en Europa las preocupaciones de los ciudadanos se centraban en la subida de los precios y el riesgo de desempleo; y esas preocupaciones siguen agravándose a medida que se multiplican las noticias sobre el mal estado de la economía y su previsible impacto en la vida de la gente…
  • Governments use Twitter for Emergency Alerts, Traffic Notices and More – Government Technology – There's no middle ground in the court of public opinion about Twitter, a free "microblogging" site that a growing number of government agencies and officials are using to keep citizens informed about everything from press releases to car accidents and structural fires. People either love Twitter, or they just don't get it.
  • The Congress API – With the Congress API, you can get summaries of roll-call votes in the U.S. Congress; get lists of members of Congress; and get vote data, biographical information and role data for individual House and Senate members.
  • The Media Equation – How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power – NYTimes.com – Any politician who fails to recognize that we are in a post-party era with a new political ecology in which connecting like minds and forming a movement is so much easier will not be around long. “Yes, we have met Big Brother, the one who is always watching. And Big Brother is us.”
  • Pew Internet: Post-Election Voter Engagement – Voters expect that the level of public engagement they experienced with Barack Obama during the campaign, much of it occurring online, will continue into the early period of his new administration. A majority of Obama voters expect to carry on efforts to support his policies and try to persuade others to back his initiatives in the coming year; a substantial number expect to hear directly from Obama and his team; and a notable cohort say they have followed the transition online.

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