Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 12 de Septiembre, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Follow Tweeps Administración Pública on Twitter – Qué mejor manera de entrar en la conversación sobre Administración Pública en Twitter que siguiendo con un sólo click a esta lista de recomendación. Lista que admite sugerencias.
  • Gov 2.0: The New Tools for Democratic Conversations – This paper provides an overview of developments in the use of interactive online communications described as Web 2.0 and when applied in government, better known as Government 2.0. The term Web 2.0 takes in the new and emerging digitally enabled, interactive communications, pushing organisations, including governments, to reconsider the way they do things.
  • 8 Principles of Open Government Data – set of fundamental principles for open government data. By embracing the eight principles, governments of the world can become more effective, transparent, and relevant to our lives
  • State 2.0: a new front end? – Just as old media has learned to use the fluid networks of Web 2.0, so old politics can fuse incrementally with the State 2.0
  • This We Know: Explore U.S. Government Data About Your Community – Our mission is to present the information the U.S. government collects about every community. By publishing this data in an easy to understand and consistent manner, we seek to empower citizens to act on what's known.

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