Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 5 de Octubre, 2010

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • The Five Branches Of Government 2.0 – Different emerging «branches» on this tree of Government 2.0
  • It’s time for a new version of government – The government 2.0 movement is about change, real change, and how to use the power of tech to empower the public. Here’s how it will work, and who’s already behind it.
  • Open Government Licence – You are encouraged to use and re-use the Information that is available under this licence, the Open Government Licence, freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.
  • Recopilación de e-books sobre Administración Electrónica – ebooks que os van a resultar de interés para conocer en profundidas los entresijos de la Administración Electrónica
  • How Open Data is Used Against the Poor – Open data is all the rage these days, but is simply opening up aggregate public information for outside analysis enough to change the world for the better? A new article by Mike Gurstein, Editor of the influential Journal of Community Informatics, argues that open data may merely make the rich richer and the poor poorer, unless the «open access» paradigm is extended with what he calls «effective use.»
  • 10 sitios de gobierno 2.0 que debes conocer – En este post recogemos algunas de las sugerencias del blog Social Brite, que presentó más de diez sitios que realizan una buena práctica de gobierno 2.0. Es decir, se trata de webs de instituciones públicas o privadas que utilizan las herramientas de la red para mejorar su relación con sus visitantes.
  • Declaration of Open Government (Australian Gov) – The central recommendation of the Government 2.0 Taskforce’s report was that the Australian Government makes a declaration of open government
  • Code for America – Code for America was founded to help the brightest minds of the Web 2.0 generation transform city governments. Cities are under greater pressure than ever, struggling with budget cuts and outdated technology.
  • Informe eEspaña 2010 – España avanza una posición en el ranking europeo que mide el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información y alcanza la convergencia tecnológica con la media de la Unión Europea, a pesar de no cumplir con los objetivos de Lisboa para 2010.
  • How to publish Linked Data on the Web – This document provides a tutorial on how to publish Linked Data on the Web. After a general overview of the concept of Linked Data, we describe several practical recipes for publishing information as Linked Data on the Web.
  • ALA | E-Government Toolkit – The American Library Association (ALA) Committee on Legislation (COL) works with members from all types of libraries to assist them in determining national public policy priorities and in designing local programs and services that reflect current E-Government practices. COL’s E-Government Subcommittee works with various ALA units to consider federal legislation opportunities and assess the impact of E-Government services on local libraries. The Subcommittee produced this toolkit with tips and guidance to assist librarians in planning, managing, funding and promoting E-Government services.
  • How Open Data Applications are Improving Government – Open data is the big trend these days when people talk about “Government 2.0.” In reality, the open data movement has just begun, with governments finally starting to release data en masse in an effort to promote transparency.
  • Gov 2.0: The Next Internet Boom – The emerging online field is helping entrepreneurs help governments work better
  • Open Data Impacts Timeline – #opendata timeline focussing on UK Open Government Data
  • How to run a GovCamp – It’s a ten point plan to organising your own GovCamp type event – and it really is quite easy!
  • Watch out…Here Comes the Next Generation of Government – The next generation of government is coming. And it’s coming fast.
  • Government Online Pew Research Report 2010 – Las agencias gubernamentales han comenzado a abrir sus datos al público, y un número sorprendentemente grande de los ciudadanos están mostrando interés.

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