Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 1 de Septiembre, 2008

Enlaces que creo que os pueden interesar:

  • Public Sector Bloggers – Agregador de Blogs de Administración Pública de Reino Unido
  • How to be an interesting civil service blogger (and not get fired) – Como ser un blogger público y no ser despedido en el intento. (Reino Unido)
  • Buscador de expertos de Icele – The International Centre of Excellence for local eDemocracy, ICELE, a top international institution in the field of eDemocracy, has recently launched People Finder, a new tool to ‘help network all the digital democracy, participation and empowerment practitioners from across the world’. Areas of Expertise include, eGovernment, eDemocracy, Digital Divide, Citizen Empowerment, Elected representation or Participatory Technologies, among others. It is also possible to search for practitioners that are close to you, through the People finder map.
  • FlickrBabel: Recuperación de Información Multimedia Multilíngüe – Buscador de imágenes en Flickr de manera multilíngüe, incluso se le puede indicar una geoposición en la búsqueda. Una manera de más de buscar imágenes para ilustrar tus contenidos.
  • Recursos «Buenas Noticias» – Si estás harto de sólo ver, oir y leer malas noticias en este sitio tienes unos cuantos recursos de sitios orientados a publicar sólo Buenas Noticias.
  • Digital Nomads – In the Connected Era, Digital Nomads will Rule – Redefining productivity – placeshifting and timeshifting. Their devices won’t wait to connect – they will simply be connected. Always. Everywhere. Business as usual will become business unusual. Welcome to Digital Nomads – a community to learn new things, share ideas and connect with others.
  • GMDesk – run Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Maps as a stand-alone installable application – GMDesk is an application that lets you run Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Maps as a stand-alone application to do all your mail handling, calendar event reading etc with. No need to open it up in a web browser, or have it clutter your workspace.
  • Página oficial del Primer Ministro del Reino Unido – Una web que utiliza herramientas web 2.0 para facilitar la comunicación con la ciudadanía. Estructura de blog, últimas entradas de Twitter, últimos vídeos del canal de Youtube y últimas fotos del canal de Flickr además de otras funcionalidades.
  • Top 10 Web Politricks – The Internet has played a greater role this presidential election season than ever before. We have had our first-ever YouTube debates, Facebook participatory forums, and endless array of vlogged politico gaffes. And, as a result, the politicians have learned there’s a whole World Wide Web of people they can no longer ignore.
  • Open ProPolis – Reflexionamos sobre e-government – Portal sobre Administración Pública
  • Widexplorer – Widexplorer es un multibuscador con distintas temáticas (noticias, vídeos, web en general, finanzas, deportes, viajes, famosos…) cuya principal novedad es su orientación horizontal para integrar los distintos buscadores.
  • Filtrado de Twitter en K-Government – Qué se dice en tiempo real en Twitter de Zapatero, Rajoy, Obama y Mc Cain
  • QuarkBase : Everything about a Website – Herramientas online de información sobre sitios web
  • The governance of sponsored open source projects and their communities – examines in depth the difference between autonomous ‘community-run‘ , open source communities, and sponsored ones (also called organic vs. synthetic). In the latter, the desire to promote participation has to be balanced with the desire to protect the commercial interests of the sponsoring company, and this will be translated into governance interventions, that affect the architecture of participation.

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