Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 19 de Abril, 2010

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Web 2.0: The New Tools for Democratic Conversations – This paper provides an overview of developments in the use of interactive online communications described as Web 2.0 and when applied in government, better known as Government 2.0.
  • Citizens as public sensors – O’Reilly Radar – When people talk about the effects of Gov 2.0, the discussion tends to center around transparency and making data available to the general public. But information can flow in both directions.
  • Government 2.0: early examples of social networking at work – A new report out of Grant Thornton and FreeBalance says the potential is there, for a number of reasons. “Social networking provides governments with a new paradigm: knowledge release rather than knowledge control. This Government 2.0 approach can harness government knowledge to improve results.” (PDF white paper available from FreeBalance.)
  • Guía GNOSS para… ‘open government’ – Las Administraciones han cambiado la forma de relacionarse con los ciudadanos gracias a los entornos de conversación que ofrece la Red. Los gobiernos se abren a la ciudadanía para escuchar, compartir y generar ideas en un contexto de colaboración y continuo intercambio. GNOSS ofrece herramientas para fomentar y profundizar en este cambio relacional.

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